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York Selby Abbey Wedding - Scarlett & Scott
York Wedding - Howsham Hall & Selby Abbey - Anson & Iris
Edinburgh Wedding - Botanic Garden - Jamie & Isla
Scotland Wedding - Simon & Eilish
Edinburgh Wedding - Grant & Rebecca
Scotland Wedding - Misha & Liesie
Wales Wedding - Tai & Dave
Edinburgh Wedding -Adam & Christine
London Wedding - Lloyd & Charlotte
Kinmount House - Tommy & Rachael
20190726 Edinburgh Prestonfield House Wedding
紹恩&Sopphia Wedding Film
Xuan&Tao-Music only
Glasgow Wedding - Chen&Pei
Billy+Bobo Wedding Film
Kevin + Mairead Wedding Film
Lee & Lucia wedding film @ Livinston
Simon & Anthea wedding film @ Edinbugh
Summer & Young wedding film @ Edinburgh
Pre Wedding Film 婚紗側拍
20181101Keith&Maggie-PreWedding Edinburgh
20180405 Ying & Yu - Prague PreWedding Video
Scotland Pre-wedding short film 蘇格蘭婚紗側錄-Winona+Fabien
Felix&Sussi pre-wedding short film
Melrose Abbey Pre-wedding short film 梅爾羅斯修道院婚紗側錄
Commercial - The Edinburgh Natural Skincare Company
Glen Quiach Whisky 格嵐桂克威士忌
Invisible Edinburgh 看不見的愛丁堡
Glasgow never lostl
Promo Video - Jane Davidson
Wooden Master 原木狂人 - Promo Video 形象短片
TeaWon Commercial-4k-final
ICE London AE-group Day2
ICE London AE-group Day1
ICE London AE-group Day3
ICE London AE-group highlight
Edinburgh Fringe - Frankie Mack
20190422 Imperial College London - 英利文化 Elite Culture
20190423 University of the Arts London - 英利文化 Elite Culture
20190422 London School of Economics - 英利文化 Elite Culture
20190413 University of Edinburgh  - 英利文化 Elite Culture
20190420 University College London - 英利文化 Elite Culture
2017 Edinburgh Chrismas Market
201801 Travel to Prague2-CK
2018 Passport to Taiwan Events in Manchester
20191116 FanDeng: Discovering Scotland (Chinese Online Influencer)