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來自愛丁堡的聖誕祝福!Merry Christmas!



大概還有很多人不知道~其實JK羅琳就住在蘇格蘭的愛丁堡 哈利波特也是誕生自這個魔幻的城市

在有一天風光明媚的拍攝日 來到了JK羅琳還未成名前,曾經每天報到「大象咖啡店」 現在這個咖啡店變成超級熱門的觀光景點 來到這裡的人都要朝聖一下才算來過愛丁堡🤪🤪

這對新人超幸運的,當天剛好還有一台很美的古董車在店門口 這張照片真的太值得了~

Merry Christmas from OHPROMISE team.

Does everyone realise that JK Rowling lives in Edinburgh? This is also the birthplace of our faviourite - Harry Potter!

How about her favourite cafe? It is indeed the Elephant House before she became famous. Now it has become a popular travel destination.

One even said that you must visit the place to claim that you have visited Edinburgh. This picture was taken in front of the cafe with the retro-styled car. How cute is that!

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